Marshall ISD is incredibly proud of our Air Force JROTC cadets and leaders!

The Marshall High School Interact Club has been featured in Harrison County Magazine!

The Marshall High School Interact Club has been featured in Harrison County Magazine! Click the link to read about their Coffee for a Cause!

Today we would like to honor all Veterans and say thank you for your service, bravery, and sacrifice for the United States of America.

This morning, many of our student-athletes were shown an NCAA presentation by Ryan Erwin, the Vice President for Student Engagement and Athletics at ETBU. Mr. Erwin spoke with our students about athletic and academic scholarships, eligibility standards, and the differences between college divisions. Students were also shown resources they could use to help prepare themselves academically while still in high school. It was mentioned that more than 3.6 billion dollars worth of scholarships is awarded annually to athletes.
We would like to thank Mr. Erwin and ETBU for speaking with these students as part of our College Awareness Week.

As part of College Awareness Week, MHS AVID and CTE Education and Training students are holding an AVID college fair for 4th and 5th graders at each elementary campus. The students can learn facts about different colleges in Texas and Louisiana by talking with our MHS students and reading the informational boards created for each school.

We want to congratulate MHS senior Caitlyn Ellenburg on signing to continue her education and play volleyball with the University of Mary Hardin Baylor. Caitlyn celebrated today during a signing ceremony at the Y. A. Tittle Fieldhouse with her family, friends, and teammates.

Maverick Market is open today through Friday from 1:00-4:00 pm at the admin building!

Congratulations to Jose Hernandez for being name the CTE Student of the Month in October!

Mavs win even bigger than 42-17! Marshall High School student Bradley McAndrews won the signed Patrick Mahomes jersey at the Whitehouse football game on Thursday night!

Playoff game tickets will go on sale to the general public starting at 5 pm at the link below!

Marshall vs Crandall Bi-District game, Friday, November 11, 7:00pm
Current season ticket holders may purchase their reserved seats for the Bi-District playoff game between Marshall and Crandall starting Sunday, November 6, noon thru Monday, November 7, 5:00pm. An email will be sent to each season ticket holder with their individual code and directions to secure seats. All seats will go on sale to the general public on Monday, November 7, 5:00pm.
Reserved "M" Lot parking will be sold at the Y A Tittle Athletic Fieldhouse starting Monday $10 per space

The Marshall Mavericks will take on the Crandall Pirates on Friday, November 11th, at MAVERICK STADIUM! Kickoff will be at 7:00pm.
Ticket info coming soon!

Hey Maverick fans, click the link below for the playoff shirt order form! This form and payment must be returned to the Y. A. Tittle Fieldhouse. Payable by CASH OR CHECK ONLY.
To ensure your shirt by gameday, submit your order by the end of business day Monday, November 7th. Orders can still be made throughout the week.

Due to a lack of officials, the varsity football game, which is now on Thursday, November 3rd, will be pushed back to 7:30 pm!
JV and 9th grade game times will remain the at 5:30 pm tonight, November 2nd.

November Strategic Plan Newsletter

Two years ago, Marshall ISD transportation started the school bus badge program. This program was made for the safety and well-being of Marshall ISD students. Every student that is signed up on the school bus is given a free badge so that every time they get on and off the bus, they are to scan into the Transportation program. The badge also helps the driver, Principals, Police, EMT, and the fire department to correctly identify each individual on the bus. This is extremely important to be able to notify the parents in case of an emergency. We at Marshall ISD Transportation would like to strongly encourage all parents and guardians to ensure their child has their badge every day they get on the bus. Students must have a bus badge to ride the bus. If they need a replacement card, it will be $5.00. All the student has to do is let the driver know, and they will get the badge within a day or two.

Due to weather the Maverick Football schedule for this week has changed!
The Maverick Football game originally scheduled for Friday, November 4th, has now been moved to THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3RD AT 7:00 PM.
JV will play on Wednesday night at 5:30.
9th-grade will play on Wednesday night at 5:30.
All locations will stay the same!

Price T. Young Fine Arts Academy Fall Art Show

Tickets for the Marshall vs. Whitehouse varsity football game will be sold at the Y. A. Tittle Athletic Fieldhouse Tuesday-Thursday, 7:30 am-4:00 pm, and Friday, 7:30am-Noon. Adults are $8, and students are $5.
Whitehouse does not take cash at the gate; CREDIT CARD ONLY. This also applies to sub-varsity games, online or credit cards at the gate.
Their concession stand takes cash and credit cards.
Go Mavs