Marshall ISD’s dual credit programs got a boost several years ago with the implementation of the district’s “MavU” agreement with East Texas Baptist University. Since that time Marshall High School seniors have seen a wealth of opportunities when it comes to earning college credit while still in high school.
MavU, implemented in the fall of 2016 as a dual credit program of MISD and ETBU, allows MHS juniors and seniors the opportunity to take up to 27 college hours in the familiar surroundings of classrooms at MHS with ETBU professors. The tuition rates are discounted to just $50 per semester hour, with textbooks provided to MISD students at no cost to students.
As of Fall 2020 and since its inception in 2016, MHS students have earned a total of 2,374 college credit hours while still a high school student through MavU. During the 2019-2020 school year, MavU students earned 663 credits toward their college degree.
MISD also has a dual credit agreement with Panola College, with students earning a cumulative total of 351 credit hours through the program. Of those, 72 were earned in the 2019-2020 school year.
Students have also earned credit through Advanced Placement courses, with 564 total credit hours earned through the MHS AP program. Students earned a total of 138 credits during the most recent school year in 2019-2020.
Another dual credit program was implemented at MHS in 2019, OnRamps. OnRamps is a program from the University of Texas. Specifically, fifty MHS students were enrolled in the first OnRamps Math class in 2019-2020, with a maximum potential of 150 credit hours (three for each student in the class) to be earned. But until the data is released, MHS does not know how many students achieved their credit.
Dual Credit Opportunities