Mark your calendars! Marshall Junior High theatre will present Beauty and the Beast & Cinderella on April 5th, 6th, and 7th!
about 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
MJHS theatre
Happy Law Enforcement Appreciation Day to all of our Marshall ISD officers! We are so thankful to have you all on our team!
about 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
Law Enforcement Appreciation Day
Marshall ISD has received a Jobs and Education for Texans (JET) grant in the amount of $186,908 to help purchase and install equipment to provide training for Automotive Service Technicians and Mechanics.
about 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
Merry Christmas from MISD!
about 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
Merry Christmas
Don't miss Christmas on Maverick Drive tomorrow night starting at 6 p.m. in the MHS Auditorium!
over 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
Christmas on Maverick Drive
MISD partnered with 92.3 The Depot this morning for the second annual Shop With a Cop. Students traveled to Walmart by police escort and shopped for gifts with the assistance of an officer. Thank you to everyone who helped make this event possible today!
over 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
Shop with a Cop 2022
Shop with a Cop 2022
Shop with a Cop 2022
Shop with a Cop 2022
This morning, the MISD School Board, Dr. Langley, and Mr. Chilcoat visited the Career and Technology Center at Tyler ISD. They were able to view multiple programs that Tyler ISD offers for students choosing different career paths and came away with new ideas for upgrades.
over 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
MISD to Career and Technology Center in Tyler ISD
MHS Advanced Culinary students finished working on their gingerbread houses today! Look at these sweet results!
over 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
advances culinary students with their gingerbread houses
advanced culinary students
advanced culinary student decorating a gingerbread house
advanced culinary student decorating a gingerbread house
Don't forget about the Christmas Movie Night at Maverick Stadium on Sunday, December 11th! Admission is $3/person.
over 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
Christmas Movie Night
Marshall FFA students work hard to ensure their animals are ready for FCW. Many traveled this weekend to participate in the Panola Christmas Classic, with most placing in their classes. We are excited to see their work and progress continue throughout the next few months.
over 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
Saige and Ferguson
Saige and Ferguson
FFA students
FFA students
Students in Mrs. Shaw's Advanced Culinary class spent time today making gingerbread dough in the new culinary arts room.
over 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
MHS Culinary Arts
MHS Culinary Arts
MHS Culinary Arts
MHS Culinary Arts
REMINDER Christmas Break is just around the corner! There will be no school from December 19th through January 2nd. Friday, December 16th, is an early release day for MECC, elementary schools, MJHS, and MHS. Students will return to school on Tuesday, January 3rd.
over 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
Christmas Break
Several MISD organizations shared their holiday spirit this weekend by participating in the annual Marshall Christmas Parade! We can't wait to see how our students continue to spread cheer this season.
over 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
MHS Cheer
PTY Fine Arts
Maverick Baseball
Tomorrow night, MHS Choir groups will perform in conjunction with the TJC Choir and several East Texas high schools for a Christmas Invitational Concert held by Tyler Junior College. The concert will be held in the Wise Auditorium at the Roger Palmer Performing Arts Center, and admission is free.
over 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
TJC concert
MISD is in need of bus drivers!
over 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
MISD bus drivers
Throwback Thursday from the 1984 MHS yearbook! "Nathaniel Sneed jumps above a Texarkana player trying to add points to the score."
over 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
Nathaniel Sneed 1984 yr book
​The MHS Senior Class Officers are holding a Christmas Movie Night in Maverick Stadium. The movie night is open to students, families, and the community! $3/person
over 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
Christmas Movie Night
REMINDER! Next week is Thanksgiving Break! There will be no school November 21st - 25th.
over 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
Thanksgiving Break
Attention parents: The G/T referral window is now open for K-12!
over 2 years ago, Marshall ISD
GT Flyer Spanish
GT Flyer English