Thursday, February 13th will be an early release day. Please check with your student's campus for parent conference times. Friday, February 14th is a staff development day and there will be no school for students. On Monday, February 17th, all MISD campuses and offices will be closed in observance of Presidents' Day.
28 days ago, Marshall ISD
Early Release
Tickets for the Maverick vs Tyler High "Red Out" varsity game on August 30 will go on sale at 8am on Monday August 26 online or at the ticket window of the Y A Tittle Athletic Fieldhouse. Ticket window hours are 7:30am- 4:00pm Monday-Thursday and 7:30am-Noon on Friday. Game tickets will also be sold at the gate. Cash or credit card are accepted. MISD will enforce the Clear Bag Policy as stated on the Marshall ISD website. No outside food or drink allowed in the stadium. Go Mavs!
7 months ago, Marshall ISD
Exciting news parents!  On Friday, June 7,  you will be able to access your child's STAAR EOC scores in the Parent Portal.  On Friday, June 14, you will be able to access your 3-8 child's STAAR scores.  Here are two options that will let you access your child's scores. Option 1 Log into Skyward Family Access Click on the District Links in the top right  Click on the child that you want to access the scores for Option 2 Click on this link: Open the attachment below and follow the step by step instructions Instructions English: Instructions Spanish: Please contact your child's campus if you need further assistance.
9 months ago, Marshall ISD
Marshall High School electricity has still not been brought up to full capacity. Classes at MHS only have been cancelled. Bus riders that have already arrived at school will take them home at 9:45 AM.
11 months ago, Marshall ISD
Electricity has gone out at MHS. MHS will have a 9:00 start for students today. Staff will come at their regular start time. Students that have been picked up on buses will be taken to MHS where the cafeteria has electricity.
11 months ago, Marshall ISD
Due to no electricity classes at Sam Houston STEM are cancelled for today (Wednesday, April 10th). All other campuses have electricity this morning and will be open. All other students should report to their campuses. Thank you, MISD will keep you updated if there are any other changes.
11 months ago, Marshall ISD
Due to the likelihood of continued storms throughout the evening, MISD will have a delayed start on Wednesday, April 10th. MISD is concerned about the chance of water and fallen trees over roads in the morning. Due to providing a safer route for our drivers and students all MISD schools will begin at 9:30AM. Campuses will open at 9:00AM and MISD staff will be expected at work at 8:45AM. For those students who ride buses please be at your bus stop 2 hours later than your normal bus pick up time. (Example: If you are normally at your bus stop by 6:00, tomorrow be there by 8:00).
11 months ago, Marshall ISD
All baseball and softball games scheduled for today have been moved to Thursday, April 11th. Baseball JV - 4:30pm Varsity - 7:00pm Softball JV - 4:30pm Varsity - 6:00pm
11 months ago, Marshall ISD
Due to predicted severe weather this afternoon, Marshall ISD will have a 1:30 PM early release. Parents may pick up their students at 1:30 PM. If the student is a bus rider, parents may pick them up at that time as well. For bus riders that are NOT picked up, we will hold the child at school and the buses will run their routes at their regular times to ensure our students have someone to meet them at home.
11 months ago, Marshall ISD
Marshall ISD School Health Advisory Council will meet at 1:00 PM at the Health Services Building (1201 Maverick Drive) on April 9th, 2024. Enter on Maverick Drive from Pinecrest, check in at guard station, and go all the way up the hill to the other end of Maverick Drive. Parking Lot is on the left after the softball field. Full notice:
11 months ago, Marshall ISD
REMINDER: Marshall ISD campuses and offices will be closed Friday, March 29th - Tuesday, April 2nd. Classes will resume on Wednesday, April 3rd. We hope that our students and staff have a happy Easter!
12 months ago, Marshall ISD
REMINDER: the PTY Fine Arts Academy application deadline is Monday, April 1st at 4:30pm. The online applications may be submitted online at Paper applications are available at the administration building and must be turned in by Thursday, March 28th, as MISD will be closed March 29th through April 2nd for Easter.
12 months ago, Marshall ISD
REMINDER: Next week, March 11th-15th, is Spring Break! All district campuses and offices will be closed. We hope that all students and staff have a wonderful break!
about 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
Spring Break
The MJHS Fine Arts Showcase is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, March 19th at 5:30 PM in the MJHS gym. Come learn about the 6th grade elective opportunities for the 2024-2025 school year and see performances by MJHS fine arts groups.
about 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
Destination MJHS
Destino MJHS
Boletín sobre participación de Padres y Familias:
about 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
Boletín sobre participación de Padres y Familias
Boletín sobre participación de Padres y Familias
Boletín sobre participación de Padres y Familias
Boletín sobre participación de Padres y Familias
Boletín sobre participación de Padres y Familias
Boletín sobre participación de Padres y Familias
Parent & Family Engagement Newsletter:
about 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
 Parent & Family Engagement Newsletter
 Parent & Family Engagement Newsletter
 Parent & Family Engagement Newsletter
 Parent & Family Engagement Newsletter
Parent & Family Engagement Newsletter
 Parent & Family Engagement Newsletter
REMINDER: There will be no school on Presidents' Day, Monday, February 19th!
about 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
no school on president's day
Do you know a Marshall High School or Pemberton High School Alumni whose achievements, strength of character, and citizenship serve as models to inspire future generations of Mavericks? You can nominate them to receive the Alumni Award of Excellence for 2024! The deadline for nominations is March 1, 2024. Recipients for the Alumni Award of Excellence will be honored in the fall of the nomination year with a plaque in the MHS Hall of Fame. Visit for the nomination form and more information.
about 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
alumni award
REMINDER The STEM application deadline is Monday, January 29, 2024!
about 1 year ago, Marshall ISD
STEM app reminder
STEM app reminder
Todas las instalaciones de MISD abrirán mañana (viernes, 19 de enero de 2024) en el horario escolar normal. En este momento, los administradores de MISD han confirmado que la presión del agua es adecuada en todas las escuelas. Esperamos ver a todos los estudiantes y al personal mañana.
about 1 year ago, Jessica Scott