Health Services




Marshall ISD complies with the Texas Minimum State Vaccine Requirements incorporated in the Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Title 25 Health Services, Sections 97.61 to 97.72.

All new students will be required to present a current immunization record before a student can be registered. Students who transfer from a Texas school, will be allowed to enroll until records can be forwarded from previous school. In the event that the required documentation is not received within 30 days from the date of enrollment, the student will be subject to delinquency guidelines.

GUIDELINES FOR DELINQUENT IMMUNIZATIONS: A letter will be sent home notifying the parent or guardian of the immunizations needed for the student to remain enrolled. If the required immunization record is not provided by the specified date, the student will be excluded from school. This also extends to transportation services.

PROVISIONAL ENROLLMENT: Provisionally enrolled students, (those who have transferred in from another Texas school, who are homeless, or who are in foster care) are given 30 days from the date of enrollment to provide a complete shot record or receive the required vaccines as fast as medically feasible. Parents or guardians may fill out an application for an affidavit for conscious exemption (link for website included below) if they wish to exempt their child from one or all immunizations. Please note that this affidavit will only be valid for a 2 year period and a new affidavit must be obtained at the point that the current affidavit expires. Note: Affidavit for Conscious Exemption on the DSHS website at

Food Allergies/Bacterial Meningitis

Food Allergies: When the district receives information that a student has a food allergy that puts the student at risk for anaphylaxis, an individual care plan will be developed to assist the student in safely accessing the school environment. The district's food allergy reaction plan may be accessed by clicking here.

Bacterial meningitis is very serious and can be deadly. Death can occur in as little as a few hours. Most people recover from meningitis. However, permanent disabilities (such as brain damage, hearing loss, and learning disabilities) can result from the infection. For more information bacterial meningitis, click here. For information on meningitis vaccines, click here.

MISD School Health Services Administrative Guidelines

The Marshall Independent School District, in accordance with the applicable state legislation, shall operate a program of student health services under approved rules, regulations and standards established by the Texas Department of Health and Safety. The services provided shall include but not be limited to the following:

• Campus Health Clinic
• Student Health Liaison
• Health Appraisals of Students
• Health Screenings & Referrals
• Infection Control & Disease Prevention
   · Communicable Diseases
   · Exclusion & Reporting
   · Immunizations
• Medication Administration
• Special Health Care Procedures
• First Aid
• Accident & Injury Response
   · Employee Injury/Workman's Comp
• Chronic Illness Management
• Student Health Records/Documentation
• CPS Reporting

Exclusion Criteria

The MISD Health Services Department asks that you please help keep our students healthy by keeping your child home from school if he/she experiences the following symptoms:
• Temperature of 100 or greater
• Diarrhea, nausea and/or vomiting
• Red eye(s) with drainage or crusting
• Scaly patches on scalp (possible ringworm)
• Any identified lice or nits in the hair
• Intense itching with evidence of open lesions or signs or symptoms of secondary infection
• Open, draining lesions
• Signs of jaundice
• Undetermined rash

Students exhibiting these symptoms are to be excluded from school until free of symptoms, fever, or taking antibiotic/prescription for 24 hours. A physician's statement of no communicability is also acceptable.

If sent home with any of the above symptoms, the student must check in with the nurse before returning to class.

Physical Activities Policy

Physical Activity Policies (Education Code, §28.004(k)): Requires a school district to post on its website, if it maintains a website, a statement of its physical activity policies for elementary, middle school, and junior high school students and statement of the number of times during the preceding year the health advisory council met, whether the district has adopted and enforces policies to ensure that campuses are complying with vending machine and food service guidelines, and whether the district has adopted and enforces policies that penalizes the use of tobacco products by students.

Marshall ISD follows the physical education curriculum as mandated by the TEA and participates in the Physical Fitness Assessment Initiative program through FitnessGram.

School Health Advisory Council (SHAC)

A SHAC (School Health Advisory Council) is a school board-appointed advisory group of individuals who represent different segments of the community. By law, a majority of the members must be persons who are parents of students enrolled in the district and who are not employed by the district. SHACs assist the districts in ensuring that local community values are reflected in health education instruction. Additionally, SHACs can help districts meet performance goals and alleviate financial constraints. SHACs play an important role in strengthening the connection between health and learning. They can help parents and community stakeholders reinforce the knowledge and skills children need to stay healthy for a lifetime. If you are interested in joining MISD SHAC, please email for more information.

Stop the Bleed


In accordance with Texas House Bill 496, Marshall ISD has implemented a "Stop The Bleed" protocol. Every MISD campus has trained individuals as well as Bleeding Control Stations with "Stop The Bleed" kits located in every AED and also designated by "Bleeding Control" signs.

Each "Stop The Bleed" kit contains the following:

• C-A-T Tourniquet
• 6" Responder Emergency Trauma Dressing (ETD)
• Responder Compressed Gauze (x2)
• Emergency Survival Blanket
• Responder Trauma Shears
• Responder Nitrile Gloves
• Chest Seal
• Just In Time Instruction Card
• Permanent Marker, small

Flu Season

cold & flu

Flu season in Texas runs October - March. By working together as parents, staff, and students, we can help to reduce the outbreak within our school district. Below are some simple steps that each of us can take:

• KNOW THE SYMPTOMS: Flu-like symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, fatigue and nasal congestion.

• STAY HOME: Stay home if you experience a fever greater than 100.0 degrees and until you are fever free without Tylenol or Advil for at least 24 hours. Stay home if you have large amounts of secretions such as coughing and sneezing. Stay home if you experience vomiting and/or diarrhea and until you have been free of vomiting and/or diarrhea for 24 hours.

• WASH YOUR HANDS: Wash your hands with hot water and soap or use hand sanitizers several times throughout the day especially before eating, after using the restroom, and playing outside.

• COUGH AND SNEEZE PROPERLY: Cough or sneeze into your sleeve or use Kleenex. Never cough or sneeze into your hands.

• DISINFECT: Disinfect frequently touched items daily.

• DO NOT SHARE: Never share food or drink and encourage others to do the same.

• VACCINATE: Get a flu vaccination as they are still available at doctors’ offices, drug stores, and health clinics.

• PRACTICE THE THREE C’s: COUGH into your sleeve, CLEAN your hands frequently, and CONTAIN the flu by staying home when you are sick.

Meet the Health Services Team

Regina Lewis

Department Supervisor for Health Services

Chelsie Blevins

School Nurse - Marshall Early Childhood Center

Sendy Rodriguez

School Nurse - David Crockett Elementary

Melissa Castle

School Nurse - Prize T. Young Fine Arts Academy

Wyletta Sanders

School Nurse - William B. Travis Elementary

Susan Beene

School Nurse - Sam Houston STEM Academy

Kathy Anthony

School Nurse - Marshall Junior High School

Marla Henderson

School Nurse - Marshall Junior High School