Skyward Family Access
Marshall ISD utilizes Skyward Family and Student Access to communicate important information such as student grades, schedules, and attendance history. Click Here to access the Skyward Family Access Portal to follow your child's progress and official information.
Navigating Skyward:
For information on how to navigate Skyward, please reference the links below.
Account Settings-
Skyward App-
App Updates-
Push Notifications on the App -
Skyward App:
There is a Skyward app that can be downloaded to see these notifications on your device. To register your device on the app follow the following steps:
1. Download the app
2. Login
3. Select the person icon then user preferences
4. Select Register this device
5. Set notifications & which devices can receive notification
A. To add a new device follow steps 1-4 on that device
6. Parent selects what notifications are sent to which registered devices
Setting up your Skyward Account:
If you do not currently have an account to access Skyward Family, please download and complete the forms below:
• Skyward Family Access Registration Form English | Spanish