Don't miss the MHS Fall Art Show at the Michelson Museum of Art! This Thursday, October 13, 2022!

The Mavericks will take on the Texas High Tigers this Friday night in Texarkana!
Tickets for the Mavs vs Texarkana football game are on sale online at https://www.txkisd.net/athletics/hometownticketing.asp or at the gate on game night.
Go Mavs!

Football kicks off at 7:30 in Marshall!
Volleyball starts with Varsity at 4:30 and JV/9th at 6:00 in Marshall!

October Strategic Plan Newsletter

Marshall High School students and staff during the Salsa on the Patio event today for Hispanic Heritage Month, where they listened to music, participated in activities and enjoyed chips and salsa.

It's Spooky Season!
Haunted Drive-Through Carwash hosted by MHS Cheer!

Thursday, October 6th, is an early release and parent-teacher conference day!
There is no school for students on Friday, October 7th!
Early Release Times:
Elementary - 12:00 P.M.
MHS/MJHS - 12:25 P.M.

Kindergarteners at David Crockett Elementary wish our Mavericks good luck at their games and competitions today and tomorrow!

Support the Big Red Pride on Friday night before the football game in Battle of the Bands against Hallsville's Bobcat Band!

Over the weekend, students Vinuth Gamage, Levi Ford, Carlos Segovia, and Karen Montuerto participated in the annual Fall Sweep hosted by Keep Marshall Beautiful.

Due to city road work, the intersection at Maverick Dr. and Johnson Rd will be closed from Monday, September 26th, through Friday, September 30th. Please plan accordingly for traffic changes on your way to and from school.

Do you know about our Graduate Profile and MISD Strategic Plan? Look out for our monthly updates on how we are implementing these at MISD.

Attention Parents of K-8 Students:
MISD will be distributing in-home ID Kits from the National Child Identification Program on behalf of the State of Texas. Passed in the last session, SB 2158 provides children K-8 an inkless child identification fingerprint/DNA card. These kits are voluntary, stored at home, and may be turned into law enforcement in the case of an emergency.
ID Kits will be distributed to all K-8th grade students between now and Friday, September 29th.

September is Attendance Awareness Month!
Next week, September 26-30, MISD will participate in the Attendance Matters campaign, supported by Communities in Schools. We encourage our students to participate in these spirit days to promote good attendance.

Don't miss the Homecoming Carnival this Thursday, September 22, 2022, from 5:30-7:00 in the MHS parking lot! Followed by a pep rally and bonfire from 7:00-8:00.

William B. Travis second graders are wishing our Mavericks good luck on their home games tonight!
Football kickoff at 7:30! WHITE OUT
Volleyball: Varsity at 4:30 | JV/9 at 6:00

Starting today, the pickup and drop-off location for all students at Bellaire apartments will be at the Bishop St. gate. Due to construction, the buses can not get through the bridge area on W. Rusk. It is too narrow for buses to pass through safely. We will return to normal drop-off and pick-up when the construction has been completed and cleared.

Get ready for the PINK OUT game on October 7th by ordering a Maverick Pink Out shirt from MHS Cheer! The last day to order is September 23rd!

Maverick Homecoming Tailgate | September 23rd | 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Stop by between volleyball games or before the football game!

Hey Maverick Family!
Don't forget to turn the stands red tonight for the RED OUT game against Henderson! Kickoff at 7:30!