MISD would like to congratulate the Lady Mavs Basketball team on a great season! We are so proud of the hard work seen on the court by these athletes this year. Go Mavericks!

Attendance matters and our employee attendance is as important as our students!

CTE Month
Arts, A/V Technology, & Communications Pathway

The first STEM informational will be hosted tomorrow night, February 16th, from 5:30-6:30 at Marshall Early Childhood Center!
Application deadline is March 20, 2023

CTE Month
Our next Career and Technical Education pathway is Transportation, Distribution, and Logistics!

Missing a day of school here and there may not seem like much, but absences add up! Your child receives the maximum benefit of education by being in school every day.

Over the next few weeks, we will be sharing all of the Career and Technical Education (CTE) pathways that we offer at Marshall ISD. First up, Agriculture!

Congratulations to Carson Combs and J.Q. Davis for being named TSWA Football All-State Honorable Mention!

We love to see our students taking part in helping our community!

CTE Month
Career and Technical Education can benefit both students and the community!

Today, MHS counselors took 115 sophomores to East Texas Baptist University to learn about MavU dual credit opportunities! They were even greeted by a few former Mavericks.

The Lady Mavs Basketball team will take on Huntsville in the first round of playoffs on Tuesday, February 14th, at 7:30 in Corsicana, TX!
Tickets are ONLY available online! https://www.cisd.org/domain/1939
Adults - $5
Students - $3

The Lady Mavs Basketball team is headed to the playoffs! Congrats to these young ladies on their win over Pine Tree last night! 42-24

It's National School Counseling Week! This week highlights the tremendous impact that school counselors have in helping students achieve success and prepare for their futures.

Attendance Matters

Friday, February 17th, is an early release and parent conference day.
There is no school on Monday, February 20th, in observance of President's Day.

February is Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month!
Throughout this month, we will be sharing information and statistics about CTE and the programs that Marshall ISD offers.

We would like to congratulate our MHS seniors who signed to continue their education and football careers today during a signing ceremony at Marshall High School .
Carson Combs
J.Q. Davis
Conner Hagerty
Davernious (BYRD) Robinson
Jacorey Smith

As a result of local weather conditions, all Marshall ISD schools will start at 10:00 a.m. tomorrow, February 1st. Campus doors will open at 9:30 a.m.
Dismissal time will remain the same.
Employees will need to be on their campus at 9:30 tomorrow.
School buses will start running approximately two hours after the normal start time.
District leadership will continue to monitor local weather and road conditions. If a further closure is needed, our community and local media will be informed as soon as possible through all our various communication services.