Due to the safety of our community, MISD is cancelling camps, summer school and work for campus and admin staff on Monday.
The MISD School Board meeting will be moved to June 26th.

Due to city wide power outages there will be no summer school today, June 16.

Adult and kids sizes available!
Come by the Administration Building at 1305 E Pinecrest Dr. to stock up on your Maverick gear!

Maverick Football Ticket Information:
Renewal for reserved football tickets starts online at 8 a.m. on July 31 and ends at 12:00 p.m. on August 2. Former season ticket holders will receive an email with a unique link to renew their tickets.
Swap Day is Thursday, August 3.
Unclaimed reserved seats will go on sale to the general public online at 8 a.m. Monday, August 7, and end at 12:00 p.m. August 9.
Reserved parking "M Lot" for all regular season home varsity games will be available for $40 per space starting on July 31.
Assistance will be available at the Y.A. Tittle Field House. Please call 903 927-8772 for more information.

Marshall High School 2023 Graduation Photos

Lil Mav Academy is now open to the public!
Lil Mav Academy is a full-day daycare/preschool facility within the Marshall Independent School District to serve children ages 6 weeks to 5 years.
More information can be found at https://www.marshallisd.com/page/little-mav-academy

Kindergarten Round Up starts today!
Stop by the Administration Building to enroll your student for Kindergarten!!

Vinuth Gamage, Class of 2023 Valedictorian, is able to put into words what so many of us feel. Thank you, Vinuth, for expressing to the world what all Mavericks know and why Marshall ISD has been your district of choice.
Once a Maverick, always a Maverick!

Don't forget that Thursday, May 25th, is an early release day!

Graduation Information:
Friday May 19th (Graduation Day)
Seniors report to auditorium for practice- 8:00 am **MUST BE IN ASSIGNED SEAT BY 8:30 am**
Seniors report to auditorium for ceremony- 5:30 pm **DOORS WILL LOCK AT 6:15 PM**
Graduation plans in case of inclement weather:
Plan A:
MHS May 19th @ 7:00PM @ Mav Stadium
MEGS May 20th @ 10:00AM @ Mav Stadium
Plan B:
MHS May 20th @ 10:00 AM @ Mav Stadium
MEGS May 20th @ 3:00 PM @ Mav Stadium
Plan C:
MHS - To Be Announced
MEGS - To Be Announced
**Reminder- Maverick Stadium has a clear bag policy. It will be enforced. If you bring balloons, please sit up top of the bleachers or on the side perimeters as to not obstruct the view of others behind you that want to celebrate their student as well.**
**The senior parking lot, next to the MHS gym, will be designated for disabled parking. In order to park in this parking lot, you must have a disabled license plate or placard.**

This morning MISD was made aware of a situation by Marshall PD involving an individual heading south on highway 59. MPD has been in contact with the identified individual. Due to an abundance of caution for our students and staff, Marshall High School was placed on a lock out. Currently the lock out has been lifted and students are continuing their normal schedule. We will continue to patrol the parking lots and monitor the surrounding area throughout the day and will continue to stay in touch with MPD.

Marshall ISD is excited to announce our Elementary and Secondary District Teachers of the Year!
Elementary District Teacher of the Year - Luzelena Gonzalez, William B. Travis
Secondary District Teacher of the Year - Thomas Beranek, Marshall High School

Friday, May 11th, at 9:30 a.m. on Maverick Drive! Come join us and cheer on our athletes as they head to State!

It's National School Nurse Day! We want to thank our nurses at MISD for all that they do while caring for our students!
School nurses have served a critical role in improving public health and in ensuring student’s academic success for more than 120 years!

The last day of school, Thursday, May 25th, will now be an early release day!
Release times:
MECC/Elementary - 12:00 pm
MHS/MJHS - 12:25 pm

The $41.9 million bond measure put forth by the Marshall Independent School District (MISD) has been approved by the voters. Residents approved the measure with overwhelming support.
We would like to thank the residents of MISD for your support!!

Voting is available in the Marshall High School Auditorium today from 7:00 am - 7:00 pm!

Voting will end at 7:00 pm and will not reopen until 7:00 am on Election Day, May 6!

On Friday, the Student Advisory Committee had their last meeting with Dr. Langley for this school year. Students received updates on topics discussed throughout the year and a tour of Marshall High School. Committee members left with new Maverick gear as thanks for participating!