Student Services Coordinator
Student Services
Marshall ISD provides comprehensive guidelines for student behavior expectations, requirements, dress code, and other general information in its annual Student Code of Conduct and Student Handbooks. The student handbooks are grade-level specific. We encourage parents and students to familiarize themselves with these documents and refer to them as questions arise throughout the year. We hope the links and information below can help you, but do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions or concerns. Go Mavs!
Student Code of Conduct
The Student Code of Conduct is the district's response to the requirements of Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code. The Code provides methods and options for managing students in the classroom and on school grounds, disciplining students, and preventing and intervening in student discipline problems. This Student Code of Conduct has been adopted by the Marshall ISD Board of Trustees and developed with the advice of the district-level committee. This Code provides information to parents and students regarding standards of conduct, consequences of misconduct, and procedures for administering discipline. It remains in effect during summer school and at all school-related events and activities outside of the school year until an updated version adopted by the Board becomes effective for the next school year.
Student Dress Code
The Marshall ISD Dress Code has been established to teach grooming and hygiene, prevent disruption, and minimize safety hazards. Uniform dress is required in Pre-K through 8th grade in Marshall ISD. Students and parents may determine a student's personal dress and grooming standards, provided they comply with the guidelines as outlined in the Dress Code.
• Grades PK-8 Dress Code (English)
• Grades PK-8 Dress Code (Spanish)
• Grades 9-12 Dress Code (English)
• Grades 9-12 Dress Code (Spanish)
Title IX
Meet the Student Services Team

Tiffany Best-Jolly

Anthony Randle
Truancy Coordinator

Andy Chilcoat
Assistant Superintendent for Auxiliary Services