Reminders for Monday 03/03/2025 Dr. Seuss Day - Read Across America Day: Dress up as your favorite Dr. Suess character. Breakfast: STUDENTS ONLY for 03/03/2025 - Green Eggs and Ham theme! National School Breakfast Week for parents and students begins Tuesday 03/04/2025. Morning Drop-Off 03/04-03/06/25 will be one line for all grades. If you are coming to eat breakfast with a student, you must park on Indian Springs Road and enter the East Gate on Indian Springs Road. The only breakfast entrance for guests will be at this location, you will follow the sidewalk to enter the building at the door at the top of the stairs near the cafe, exit will be the same. For questions please contact the front office or Mrs. Livingston, at Enjoy the rest of this gorgeous Sunday and we will see you all tomorrow!
10 days ago, Jordyn Livingston
Tomorrow, February 26th, Marshall ISD students and staff are invited to wear a pink shirt in honor of MHS student Jhurnee Williams. Please continue to keep Jhurnee’s family and friends in your thoughts and prayers.
15 days ago, Jordyn Livingston
SH STEM Reminders 2/23/25 2/27/25• Black History Month Program 1:30-2:30 pm 4th and 5th grade Honor Choir Performance-Parents are welcome, please do not park in the bus turn around, arrive at 1:15 to check. • The cafe has prepared a special menu for students to celebrate Black History Month on this day. We will send out those menu changes to parents via Thrill Share tomorrow, 2/24/25. 🧇 National School Breakfast Week 🥞 ❤️Texas 🤍Public 📚 Schools 📝 Week 💙 •03/03/25 - 03/07/25• Check for flyers in email or attached here ☀️ Spring Break 🌸 March 10-16 March 17 - Student holiday, Staff Professional Development Day It’s a great week to be a Maverick ❤️🤘🏽 See you all tomorrow!
17 days ago, Jordyn Livingston
school breakfast
dress up
On 2/13, Sam Houston students may wear a Valentine's Day themed, red, or Maverick shirt with jeans or uniform bottoms. 💌🤘🏽❤️
about 1 month ago, Jordyn Livingston
📣🚨❤️🤘🏽Sunday Weekly Reminders🤘🏽❤️🚨📣 •Kindess Week 2025• •2/10-2/12- Closed Campus for Common Assessment & Benchmark testing- No visitors, early checkouts, or deliveries •2/10- Spring Picture day- Free Dress •2/11- Math Benchmark Grades 3-5 •2/13- Class Valentine’s Day Parties 💌 Students only - Candy Gram & Valentine Mailbox delivery - Early Release 12:05 - Parent/Teacher Conferences •2/14- Student Holiday (No school) - Staff Professional Development •2/17- Presidents’ Day- Student & Staff Holiday (No School)
about 1 month ago, Jordyn Livingston
Sam Houston STEM Academy February 2025 Breakfast and Lunch Menu
about 1 month ago, Jordyn Livingston
Breakfast 0225
0225 lunch
Good morning! Please check your email for more detailed campus reminders and updates for this week. National School Counselor Week- help us celebrate our outstanding Mrs. Waskom and all she does for the students, families & staff of SH STEM. •Closed Campus 2/3-2/13 (no visitors, drop offs, or early checkouts due to common assessment and benchmark testing all grade levels. •Important Dates• • 2/3-5th grade @ LETU for ETX Symphonic band - 2nd Grade MHS for TJC Wizard of Oz - 4th grade TX Agrilife Stream Trailer (all students ONLY) Spring Meet the Mavs @ MHS •2/4 Reading Bechmark •2/6 FAMILY STEM NIGHT- The Cosmic Escape 5:00-6:00 Science Benchmark
about 1 month ago, Jordyn Livingston
Dear Parents and Guardians, I hope this letter finds you well. As we move through this important time in the school year, I want to share a few important reminders regarding our upcoming benchmark and common assessment testing over the next several weeks. •Closed Campus for Testing – 2/3-2/13/25• To maintain a quiet and focused testing environment, our campus will be closed to visitors this week during benchmark and common assessment testing. Please make sure your child arrives on time each day, well-rested, and ready to do their best. •Student Testing Tips• To help your child be successful during testing, please encourage the following: * Get a good night’s sleep before each test day. * Eat a healthy breakfast to stay focused and energized. * Arrive on time to avoid feeling rushed. * Encourage a positive attitude—remind them to do their best and take their time. We know this does not show us all of the wonderful things our students can do but the data does help us to drive instruction and meet their educational needs. * Bring glasses if needed to ensure they can read clearly. * Encourage deep breaths and a calm mindset to help reduce test anxiety. •Health & Illness Reminders• We have seen an increase in illnesses across our campus. To help keep everyone healthy: * If your child is sent home by the nurse due to illness, please follow the school’s health guidelines before returning. * Students must be fever-free for 24 hours without the use of medication before returning to school. * Encourage frequent handwashing at home and school. * Please wash coats, backpacks, and lunchboxes regularly to help prevent the spread of germs. Thank you for your support in keeping our students healthy and ensuring a successful testing week. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the school office. Sincerely, Jordyn Livingston Principal Sam Houston STEM Academy
about 1 month ago, Jordyn Livingston
health reminders
Help Jhurnee find her heartbeat: Share the love this Valentine’s Day! 🫶🏽 💌 Student Council will be hosting a fundraiser and has made the decision to donate all proceeds to Jhurnee Williams, former South Marshall student & current MHS Sophomore. **Order forms will be coming home with your student so be on the lookout** 👀 More information coming soon but SH StuCo will also be selling their beloved Candy Grams of which they will also be donating the proceeds to Jhurnee and her heart transplant journey home to Marshall. 💓🤘🏽 #JhurneeStrong #WeAreMarshall
about 2 months ago, Jordyn Livingston
Good evening SH family! We will have one morning drop off line the remainder of the week through 1/24/25. 5th grade honor choir practice begins again tomorrow and 4th grade will begin next week on Monday. Reminder: 1/31/25 We will celebrate the 100th day of school! 🥳 Bundle up and we will see you all tomorrow 🥶🤍🤘🏽
about 2 months ago, Jordyn Livingston
We are excited to welcome students back to school tomorrow after the long weekend! Please remember to bundle up for the cold weather, especially those that may be bus riders. We are grateful for our heated buses, but waiting at the bus stops will be especially chilly in the morning. SH will have one drop off line tomorrow and Wednesday. We will send additional information regarding the remainder of the week as it approaches. Stay warm, Maverick Family!🤘❤️
about 2 months ago, Jordyn Livingston
REMINDER: There will be no school on Monday, January 20th, in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Stay safe & warm, we will see you all Tuesday, 1/21/25. ❤️🤘🏽
about 2 months ago, Jordyn Livingston
mlk day
Save the date! We are out of this world excited about this STELLAR STEM Family night! 💫 The Cosmic Escape
about 2 months ago, Jordyn Livingston
Good morning! Due to below freezing temperatures we will have one drop off line this morning. Thank you for your assistance and support in making our students' and staff safety and well being a priority. It's a great day to be a Maverick! ❤️🤘🏽
about 2 months ago, Jordyn Livingston
Good morning! We are so excited to welcome back our students this morning. Due to the below freezing temperatures, we will have one drop off line this week, 1/7-1/10/25. It's a great day to be a Maverick! ❤️🤘🏽
2 months ago, Jordyn Livingston
Happy New Year! 🥳 Just a reminder that students return to campus 1/7/25. 1/6/25 is a staff development-student holiday. We can't wait to see you all in the new year! ❤️🤘🏽 Stay tuned…Coming SOON..SH STEM January Letters from Livingston and reminders.
2 months ago, Jordyn Livingston
student return 1/7
Parent's, Tag You're It! Just a reminder Early Release is at 12:06 today. Early checkouts and Transportation Changes cutoff at 11:15 am. We wish you a VERY Merry Maverick Christmas and a Happy New Year! We will see you all in 2025!
3 months ago, Jordyn Livingston
Good morning, Sam Houston STEM Academy will have one drop off line this morning. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Have a VERY Merry Maverick last FULL day! Reminder, tomorrow, Friday, 12/20 is early release. All students will be released at 12:06 pm.
3 months ago, Jordyn Livingston
🎄🚨📺 Sparkles is stuck in the hallway TVs 🎄🚨📺 Sparkles, the Sam Houston elf is in a bind; it’s up to you now; it’s time to grind. With MAV UP spirit and Maverick Pride, you can’t go wrong! Let’s finish out this semester STRONG! Mrs. Livingston is on watch for Sparkles today looking for shining actions along the way. Follow expectations wherever you go, and let your kindness and GAME Time effort show. Today is Grinchmas—so keep in mind that Mrs. Livingston may be hard to find. Disguised as Cindy Lou Who, so sweet, With the biggest heart you’ll ever meet! She believes in Christmas, its spirit so bright, not in the gifts, but in doing what’s right. Christmas, you see, doesn’t come from a store—show her today it’s a little bit more. 🎁 If your Maverick excellence, she has spotted a tiny duck you’ll earn. Trade it for prizes—it’s your turn! Sparkles is counting on you, and it’s true. Be your best self—she’s rooting for you! And don’t forget—tomorrow’s the day. We punch our tickets and ride away! 🚂 To the Polar Express, where magic takes flight. 🔔 So wear your pajamas—it’s part of the story, that’s right! With kindness toward others and trying your best, Let your heart grow three sizes or more; you definitely won’t find this in a store. 💚 Sparkles needs out of this screen to have all the fun she can get! Together, we’ll make this holiday season our BEST one yet! 📺❤️🤘🏽
3 months ago, Jordyn Livingston
sparkles stuck
Good morning! Due to the storms moving into our area and to ensure student and staff safety, we will have one drop off line this morning at SH STEM. Don't like the frightful weather put a damper on your festiveness- With pom-poms, glitter, and lights so bright, Let’s rock those UGLY SWEATERS, it's a holiday sight! The uglier, the better, that’s the rule, Join the fun and keep it cool!" (Staff & Student Participation)
3 months ago, Jordyn Livingston