Gameday Information
Tickets for all home games in Maverick Stadium are sold online via MISD's new ticket purchasing system located at here. If any tickets remain from pre-sales during the week, they will be sold at the gate on a first-come, first-serve basis (cash or check only). Online ticket sales for Maverick home games for the general public begin at 8 a.m. on Tuesdays and end at 3 p.m. on Thursday. Parents of football players, Mavettes, band and cheer squads get preference and are allowed to purchase their tickets for home games on Mondays.
Concessions are in operation in Maverick Stadium. No outside food or drink is allowed.
The lighting system in Maverick Stadium has the capacity for flash lighting during Maverick touchdowns and big moments. Please be aware, if you are sensitive to strobe-type lighting, of this new technology.
The district's Clear Bag Policy is strictly enforced at all Marshall ISD athletic events. The Clear Bag Policy is outlined at the bottom of this page.
Only authorized personnel are allowed on the field before, during, or after an event.
Tickets for Lady Mav Volleyball games are on sale at the entrance to Maverick Gym on game days only.
Concessions are in operation in Maverick Gym. No outside food or drink is allowed.
The district's Clear Bag Policy is strictly enforced at all Marshall ISD athletic events. The Clear Bag Policy is outlined at the bottom of this page.