WBT is the place to be!

What a great first few days of school we had! Thanks for sharing your children with us. 


Here are a few reminders:

You cannot drop off your children on the side of the street. ALL parents are required to come through the car line. This is for your child's safety. It is NOT safe for your child to cross the street unsupervised or to run through the parking lot as cars are entering and leaving. 

WBT is also asking that you demonstrate patience during dismissal. We are dismissing 500 students at the same time. We move expeditiously to get students in their cars. Friday, the car line was vacant by 3:45. 

Early checkouts end at 2:30. After 3 early checkouts, your child will develop unexcused absences. However, the absences will be excused with a doctor's note.

Please remember that your child begins class at 7:30. This means in their seat and ready to learn. Our doors will open at 7:00. This will give your child plenty of time to eat breakfast before class begins. Your child will be marked tardy at 7:40. 

Thanks so much for allowing us to educate your children. WBT is the place to be!