Principal: Blake Langley

I am Blake Langley, Principal of Price T. Young Fine Arts Academy. A native of Marshall, I graduated from Marshall High School in 2009 and went on to obtain my Bachelor's Degree in Education from Texas A&M University in 2013. Then in 2017 I earned my Master's Degree in Education from Stephen F. Austin State University.
I taught 8th grade U.S. History in Marshall and in Bryan, TX. and then served as Assistant Principal at Foster Middle School in Longview, TX for two years.
I love Marshall and love being a part of Marshall ISD once again. Price T. Young has found a very special place in my heart and I promise to dedicate my time and effort into growing the school, students, and staff into an elementary school we are all proud of. I have always been an advocate for the Fine Arts and am so excited that Price T. Young is one of few Fine Arts Academies in East Texas.
I hope that you will come and see Price T. Young Fine Arts Academy and me, so that I can share with you the wonderful opportunities we have here.